9 Primary Qualities Of A Good Employee In 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving and competitive job market, employers are looking for individuals with the skills and expertise needed for a role and exhibit qualities that make them exceptional employees. No one wants to make a bad hire!

In my opinion, a good employee encompasses a blend of technical and soft skills, along with personal attributes that contribute to growth in a company. At least this is what I always searched for while hiring for different Fortune 500 companies.

In this article, we will discuss the most sought-after qualities defining an outstanding employee and explore how these characteristics foster a positive and productive work environment, enhance team collaboration, and ultimately drive personal (and company) growth.

qualities of a good employee

9 Common Traits of a Great Employee

1. Reliability

There’s no doubt that you as an employer need to be able to depend on your employees to do a good job every single day. When an employee proves reliable, you know you can trust them to do their work well and on time.

When looking for reliable employees, remember that it involves more than just showing up to work on time. Your ideal worker should also meet all of their deadlines consistently, submit high-quality work and attend other work-related events.

Examples of Reliability Characteristics:

  • Punctuality: They always arrive on time for meetings and deadlines.

  • Consistency: Their work quality doesn't fluctuate and they're always prepared.

  • Dependability: They can be counted on to complete tasks and responsibilities.

  • Accountability: They accept responsibility for their actions and mistakes.

  • Proactive: They take initiative and don't wait to be told what to do.

2. Determination

Without determination, your employees won’t get far working at your company.

While other employees might do the bare minimum and call it a day, the most passionate workers go the extra mile to produce work that positively impacts your company.

To spot determined employees, verify their positive attitude toward their work. They should also set ambitious goals and follow through with everything they say they’re going to do.

If you take the initiative to hire dedicated employees, you’ll create a more positive work environment that helps build a more substantial business.

Examples of Determination Characteristics:

  • Persistence: They do not give up easily and are willing to put in the effort to achieve goals.

  • Proactive: They are self-starters and are always looking for ways to improve.

  • Goal-Oriented: They set clear goals and consistently work towards them.

  • Resilience: They bounce back from setbacks and keep going.

  • Self-motivated: They are driven by their own desire to succeed.

3. Collaboration

No single employee runs the business. Each person is part of a team, so a willingness to collaborate and work closely with others is one of the essential qualities of a good employee.

When all of your employees work well with each other, you build a more robust workforce that benefits your business as a whole.

Employees that are good team players are respectful and understanding of their colleagues. They’re open to different perspectives and willing to discuss a problem with others to reach the optimal solution.

In addition, they’re proactive in fostering the success of their coworkers and their own.

Examples of Collaboration Characteristics:

  • Team Player: They work well in team settings and value the contributions of others.

  • Empathetic: They understand and respect the perspectives of their colleagues.

  • Open Communication: They readily share information and ideas with others.

  • Active Listener: They listen to understand, not to respond.

  • Respectful: They respect the opinions and ideas of others.

4. Communication

There’s a good reason why so many recruiters list “strong communication skills” as one of the most desirable traits in a candidate. Employees who communicate well with others know how to get what they need efficiently and productively.

If there’s a problem that someone is experiencing in the workplace, they’ll resolve it quickly and effectively if they make an effort to communicate it to their boss or coworkers.

Examples of Communication Characteristics:

  • Clarity: They express their ideas clearly and succinctly.

  • Active Listener: They listen to understand, rather than just to respond.

  • Open-Minded: They are willing to consider other people's perspectives.

  • Constructive Feedback: They provide and receive feedback in a positive manner.

  • Non-verbal Communication: They use body language and tone of voice effectively.

5. Resilience

Obstacles are inevitable in the workplace. Whether an employee is struggling to meet personal goals or running into conflicts with colleagues, a little bit of adversity now and then is expected.

However, it isn’t the obstacle itself that matters in the end. It’s the way your employees choose to deal with it.

Not only should your workers readily bounce back from challenges, but they should also take action to rectify the situation. Employees who make a conscious decision to confront an issue are the ones who usually come up with a solution first.

Be sure to actively seek out resilient workers with take-charge attitudes who can help boost the morale of your entire workforce.

Examples of Resilience Characteristics:

  • Adaptable: They adjust well to new conditions or changes in the environment.

  • Optimistic: They keep a positive attitude even in challenging situations.

  • Persistent: They keep trying even after facing setbacks or failures.

  • Problem-Solver: They see difficulties as challenges to overcome, not insurmountable obstacles.

  • Emotionally Intelligent: They manage their emotions effectively and don't let stress overwhelm them.

6. Open-Mindedness

Every employee’s goal should be to learn something new each day (or each week) and add something of value to your company. This embodies open-mindedness which is one of the most vital qualities of an excellent employee.

Open-mindedness encompasses many different traits. First, open-minded employees should listen to their feedback and take it seriously.

Instead of taking offense at the input others give them, open-minded workers view feedback as a valuable opportunity to grow.

Examples of Open Mindedness Characteristics:

  • Acceptance: They respect and value diverse perspectives and cultures.

  • Curiosity: They are interested in new ideas and are always learning.

  • Flexibility: They are willing to change their viewpoint in the light of new information.

  • Tolerance: They tolerate differing views and avoid prejudiced thinking.

  • Innovative: They are open to new ideas and ways of doing things.

7. Self-Confidence

A healthy dose of self-confidence can go a long way at work. When your employees have a sense of conviction in what they do, they approach it with a can-do attitude that allows them to do their best work.

In addition to doing their work well, confident employees actively seek opportunities to improve and encourage their colleagues to succeed.

Examples of Self Confidence Characteristics:

  • Self-Awareness: They understand their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Assertiveness: They express their thoughts and feelings openly and respectfully.

  • Independence: They are capable of making decisions and solving problems on their own.

  • Self-Belief: They believe in their abilities and are confident of success.

  • Positivity: They maintain a positive attitude and outlook.

8. Adaptability

Things are constantly changing in today’s dynamic workplace. To keep up with these changes and make progress amid uncertain times, it’s crucial to hire highly adaptable workers.

These employees are eager to acclimate to a new environment and seek creative solutions to new problems.

Adaptable employees are also the most proactive in terms of their success, which helps set them apart from workers who struggle with or are resistant to change.

Examples of Adaptability Characteristics:

  • Flexibility: They are open to change and can modify their approach if needed.

  • Problem-Solving: They can come up with solutions to unexpected challenges.

  • Learning Agility: They learn new skills and knowledge quickly.

  • Resilience: They handle pressure and recover quickly from setbacks.

  • Versatility: They can handle a variety of tasks and roles.

9. Honesty

Whether they are working with clients or alongside other team members, you will want direct, transparent, and honest employees.

Hiring someone who isn’t afraid to speak up and help contribute to the organization's overall goal will be admired amongst coworkers and the leadership team.

Honesty is a characteristic you want to build a successful business around, which makes seeking out workers with this honesty trait important.

Examples of Honesty Characteristics:

  • Truthfulness: They are truthful and do not lie or bend the truth.

  • Integrity: They adhere to moral and ethical principles.

  • Transparency: They are open and clear about their actions and intentions.

  • Accountability: They accept responsibility for their actions.

  • Trustworthiness: They can be trusted with sensitive information or tasks.

Wrapping Up | Qualities Of A Great Employee

We as employers know that finding standout employees is essential to creating a thriving work environment. When an employee or potential hire shows traits such as effective communication, adaptability, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude, you are heading in the right direction.

Employers who prioritize and nurture these qualities in their workforce will reap the benefits of increased productivity, improved teamwork, and higher employee satisfaction (amongst other benefits).

As the job market continues to evolve, both individuals and organizations must recognize and cultivate these attributes, ensuring continued growth for years to come.

Best of luck with your business!

Final Note: If you ever need guidance or help transitioning an employee out of your organization, please feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to run through our virtual outplacement services with you.

You can’t teach employees to smile. They have to smile before you hire them.
— Arte Nathan

Tags: qualities of a good employee, what does a good employee look like, good worker qualities

Author: Reid Alexander

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only & not intended as professional legal or HR advice. Consult with qualified professionals for advice tailored to your specific situation. The author & publisher disclaim any liability for errors, omissions, or actions taken based on this content.

Avoiding Misfit Hires

Reid Alexander

Reid is a contributor to theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author.


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