Termination Letter Templates

In today’s ever-changing world of work, the unfortunate reality is that employee termination is an inevitable part of the employment lifecycle.

While this process can be emotionally challenging for everyone involved, a well-structured termination letter can ensure a professional and legally compliant approach to letting an employee go.

Termination letter templates are critical in guiding employers through crafting a clear, empathetic, and legally sound document.

Here are two Termination Letter Templates, each addressing different situations:

  • Termination due to poor performance

  • Termination due to a layoff or restructuring

Consult with your HR and legal departments to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations when customizing these templates.

Termination Letter Templates

termination letter template

Tags: termination letter template, template for firing someone, termination letter template, dismissal letter for poor performance

Author: Reid Alexander

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only & not intended as professional legal or HR advice. Consult with qualified professionals for advice tailored to your specific situation. The author & publisher disclaim any liability for errors, omissions, or actions taken based on this content.

Restructuring Layoff Process

Reid Alexander

Reid is a contributor to theJub. He's an employment and marketing enthusiast who studied business before taking on various recruiting, management, and marketing roles. More from the author.


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